KEEPING MONTON GREEN, CLEAN AND SAFE – and a place you want your family to live and enjoy life…
The MVCA is a group of volunteers made up of residents and traders who work hard to keep Monton green, clean and safe. We do a wide range of things:
We organise various events throughout the year Christmas and Summer.
Members of MVCA work to improve the environment in Monton Village e.g. the Gardening Group maintain and plant the flowerbeds on the Green, and do weekly litter picks and on the Green and along the canal.
MVCA meetings provide a way for members to raise problems or suggestions to improve the area, which we then take to Salford Council where appropriate. We also challenge Salford council over decisions taken which may affect everyday life for residents and traders.
We raise money for things like the Shackleton kids playground, new paths on the Green, the village noticeboard, the restoration of the veterans shelter and more, all in all making Monton a great place to live.
We maintain this website, keeping you up to date with local news and events and providing a directory of local organisations and businesses; plus the forum where you can chat to other residents.
And much more!
To do all this we rely on the generous support of local residents and businesses who join the MVCA as members. When you join you'll be able to see your contribution all around the village you can feel proud that you've played a part in making them happen.
And of course we would love you to volunteer and help out in a hands-on way with anything that takes your fancy! Or if we can help you with a local project you'd like to get off the ground, do let us know.
If you live or work in Monton, this is your website: Send your news to MVCA and join us in making it what you want.

Dave - Chair

Andy - Vice Chair / Business Lead

Leah - School Liason

Sasha - Social Media

Nick - Membership & Website
